Transferring Cub from Pack to Boy Scout Troop

I am trying to transfer a Webelo into our Scout Troop. I entered his BSA number and Scoutbook can’t find him. What do I do? Also, who is supposed to transfer the scout, the Pack Unit Leader or the new Troop?


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If Scoutbook cannot find the Scout, then it’s likely that the BSA number does not match. If you would like to post it here (no names, please) we can take a look.

Scoutbook can only make unofficial transfers. One way to transfer a Scout is for one of the pack leaders or a parent to add a connection between the Scout and a Troop Admin. After the Scout’s awards have been processed and the pack is finished with the Scout’s payment log, then the pack should end the Scout’s Membership with the pack. Then a pack leader, parent, or Troop Admin can add the new membership with the troop on the Scout’s Membership page.

Official transfers can be made by using paper applications or the transfer button at my.scouting using the unit Roster tool. In this online transfer process, leaders in the pack make the transfer. Parents can also transfer their Scout(s) from one unit to another. Scouts officially transferred using one of these two methods should show up on the gaining unit’s roster in about 24-48 hours after the transfer is completed.

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Dear Jennifer,

Thank you for your reply!

The Pack leader has transferred the scout to the roster in Scoutmaster , but the scout is not showing up on our roster in . Will it take 24-48 hours for the scout to show up on the roster in



@JudithMroski-Gonzale not sure what you are talking about - the pack can transfer the Scout into another unit using Roster in > then the receiving unit has to accept the scout in Application Manager at

Do you mean Packmaster / Troopmaster? Those are third-party programs, and they don’t do anything with official transfers.

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I’m sorry, I made a mistake. I meant to say that the scout was transferred to Scoutbook (not Scoutmaster), but they are not showing up in
How do I get them into Does the pack leader just send them over again, or do I need to send out an invitation?

Sorry, I said Scoutmaster when I should have said Scoutbook.
Scoutbook is showing the new scout in the roster, but the scout is not showing up in the roster on

Transferring in Scoutbook does not effectuate an official transfer in the roster (i.e. There are a couple of ways to effectuate an actual transfer:

  1. Transfer scout application (hardcopy) submitted to council. Make sure that the name, BSA ID, DOB and parent’s name, DOB and email all match with what’s already in Scoutbook.
  2. If your unit is accepting electronic applications, you can use the method that @DonovanMcNeil described in his post above.
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Thanks! I wasn’t sure why there were two sites doing the same thing.
Also, do I have to first send out an invitation, or can the pack leader transfer the scout without one?

The push-transfer should work without an invite, although I haven’t tried it yet.

After a pack leader logs in at my.scouting, and goes to the pack Roster tool, they will see something that looks similar to this (except it will be the Cub Scout version):

The Scoutmaster, one of the other troop Key 3, or a Key 3 Delegate will need to accept at my.scouting.

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Thank you!!! The application went through, and was accepted. The new scout is not on the roster yet, though.

The Scout should automatically show up on your troop roster tomorrow. There is an overnight membership update process that needs to run.

A bit of additional information -

If the scout does not have a parent/guardian linked to their My.Scouting account, then the transfer tool fails. Units have no view of this information. This is NOT something that a unit can fix. It is a council registrar function, which typically happened in the past when the paper application was processed. If this error happens, call you council registrar. They can fix it. They may need details for the parent to enter or complete info already in My.Scouting.

This feature is a security setting to ensure the scout’s parent / guardian agrees with the transfer.

@JudithMroski-Gonzale Does this Scout have the initials R.G.? If so, he is already on your Troop Roster. He just needs a Troop Admin to approve his Membership with the troop, and then move him into the correct patrol.

I recommend that a Troop Admin go to the Patrol page in Scoutbook and use the “Reassign Scout(s)” button to move the Scout into the patrol.

Thank you for all your help! The scout has been transferred! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for clearing up a mystery. A pack that has been trying to transfer scouts to us has received a “no parent/guardian” error message for each scout they’ve tried to transfer, and no one has been able to tell us why this was happening.

Now can anyone tell me why a pack would get a “scout not eligible for transfer” error message when they try to transfer a scout to us? The scout is the right age/grade/finished AOL.

I’m not sure, but I’d double check date of birth, whether AOL is marked complete AND Approved, and their gender.

If a scout gets transferred from a pack to a troop will he still show up on the pack roster in my.scouting? All 6 are still on the pack roster in my.scouting. 4 of them have disappeared from the pack Scoutbook roster, but 2 of them still show on the pack Scoutbook roster.

It depends on how they were transferred. If you could post the BSA member numbers (no names) we can take a look.