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I was looking in Scoutbook to prep for our Court of Honor at the end of the month. I noticed that I am missing a lot of advancement. I realized that I mistakenly marked everything as awarded on 7/24/2023. Is there anyway to undo what I did on the 24th, or can I get a list? I am not sure how to proceed from here.
I found the troop recognition report and put date search from our last CoH to 7/25/2023, but the report is not complete. There are missing items on it. At this point I don’t know what I need to purchase for the next CoH.
Ronnie Hartzog
Advancement Chair
Troop 113 Tomball, Texas
In Scoutbook, a unit admin can go to Export/Backup on the unit page and select Export/Backup then download Advancements.
This will download a csv file that can be loaded into Excel or Google Sheets where you can filter on the awarded columns to get a list of those items mistakenly marked awarded.
You can then go to each award, click the completion date and clear the Awarded checkbox.