Two account as a parent/leader

I have two accounts with the same email address.

One that I am using for YPT training is, (removed by Moderator)( with as (removed by Moderator) BSA Member ID13615459) attached to (removed by Moderator).

I got another id from scout master that’s linked to my kid (scout book) member ID for that is
14754904. I wanted to merge these account that my YPT training remain on file. And also account linked to kids. I don’t care about the account name. Let me know if this can be done:

@AlokKumar1 ok that is fixed - your email login is still live

Thanks. My YPT is not showing on the active account. It was completed on the account that’s no longer active. 13615459.

@AlokKumar1 it will appear over the next 24 hours

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