Unable to add parent as Unit Outdoors / Activities chair

I am trying to add a parent from our troop to a new position “Unit Outdoors / Activities chair” but search is yielding no results even though there is an active scoutbook profile for this parent. Could you please check and advise what may be missing?
BSA id: 132086049

Adults must be registered scouters in order to be assigned leadership roles in Scoutbook. The Outdoor/Activities Chair is a committee role, so typically the person filling that role is registered as a committee member.

If you believe the person is registered, check the official roster at https://my.scouting.org. If they don’t appear there, you’ll need to reach out to your council registrar to find out why their application hasn’t been processed yet.

This parent used to be registered as an adult leader, but his registrations have expired.

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