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I have a parent already in Scoutbook that has stepped in to our unit’s advancement chair role. I need him to be able to run reports, approve awards, and print the purchase order. Within the last 24 hours he has completed youth protection training.
He does not appear in the leader section on our pack’s roster. I press the “Add Leader” button. He does not appear in the search even when I add his BSA ID number. He does not appear in the search when I only use his BSA ID number. What do I need to do?
Ultimately, all I care about is him running the reports and approving the things an advancement chair needs to do. What am I doing wrong?
The need to fill out an adult application, either paper or online if allowed on your council. If they already have, contact your council registrar to see what happened with it.
The Advancement Chair is role of a committee member. You will need to register the individual and after the registration is processed, have a Key 3 member log in to my.scouting.org, go to Menu → Unit → Roster → Position Manager → Functional Roles and assign the Advancement Chair role to the individual. Typically within 24 hours, the Advancement Chair will be made a Unit Admin in Scoutbook, giving the person access to all of the reports and Scouts.
Thank you all for the input. I am told that he filled out an adult application last year. I will contact the registrar and see what happened. If needed, we will submit an adult app ensuring that his BSA ID is on it. Then do the above things in my.souting.org.