Unable to complete AOL req for one scout

Scout is: 140899647

Attempting to mark complete/approved Duty to God and get an error no matter if I mark each individual requirement, use quick entry or simply mark the entire adventure complete. Had another leader in our pack try as well and same results so must be something with the profile.

@KevinFrysinger what is the error that you see?


That is an error that was reported and is being looked at by Developers - we do not know when fix will be released - watch Change Log

To confirm, there is no work around currently to notate and award this badge for this scout?

Not that we have seen

Not exactly progress but the error message is different now if I try to mark the entire adventure as complete.

@KevinFrysinger that error looks more like the Scout is on wrong version of Rank or adventure

This is for AOL Duty to God, only one version to select in the adventure. Should also note ONLY get this error trying to approve the whole thing, individual requirements still show the API error originally reported.

I am having the same issue for 3 of my scouts all in different dens. My error code is slightly different.

This is a known issue. The developers are working on a fix. Watch Scoutbook - Scoutbook Plus Change Log - Scouting Forums for announcements.

Issue resolved in the latest update, was able to mark the adventure complete that had been erroring before. Thank you!

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