Unable to complete online transfer due to age

I tried to use the online membership application to transfer my son to his Scouts BSA unit. (due to shelter in place his paper application cannot be submitted).
He completed Arrow of Light rank but does not turn 11 until July.
The online membership application rejected his application due to age. I know it pulled all his info via my.scouting. I know unit rosters do not update scout rank in the Pack until recharter in the fall, therefore it does not recognize that he has completed the rank requirement to cross over.
Any way around this glitch for online membership transfer?


My council accepts scanned applications. I recommend contacting your council and asking them how you should proceed.


I was under the impression that the online application system did not handle transfers. Is this a council-selectable thing?

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I’m sure the online application system does not talk to the advancement data. We are lucky it talks to the membership data. Since it was originally built with brand new scouts in mind, I’m sure the 11 yr old rule was embedded. I don’t think there is any way around this.

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There is an Electronic youth form available at https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/524-406.pdf
Send this to the Scoutmaster and then forward to your council. Since this is transfer of membership from Cubs to Scouts there should be no fees involved.
I think signature guidelines have changed slightly in the age of COVID-19, and check with your council on what they accept for signatures at this time. Transfers will not be complete until they get verified by the registrar.