Unable to edit parent profile

@DonovanMcNeil - I have found that the API error shows up on parents that are not registered leaders.

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I get the same thing when I try to Edit Profile of an Non-Leader Adult. All scouts seem to be working, but I get this error when attempting in Firefox 112.0 I am Key 3. When I click the drop down menu for the Pack 7351 on the right, it says I am Pack Admin (3 more positions). Maybe it’s seeing me as a Pack Admin and not reading the permissions of the Committee Chair?

Edit: Sometimes when I access the page in FF is asks me to clear my cache. Once I do that, it takes me back to the API access error above.

I had to call my counsel office for them to update the parent email.

I wanted to add a phone and address to a parent. I get the same API error. I did a shift reload. Still had the issue. As @Stephen_Hornak says, they aren’t registered.