Unable to access youth profile

I am unable to access one of my scouts profiles, both under my parent profile and committee profile.

BSA ID 133976516

Receiving a cache error. Reset cache on both firefox and chrome, and attempted to use mobile with similar error.

Any assistance is appreciated.
Thank you,

Try a hard refresh (Shift + Refresh)

No luck with that option.

When you say “both under my parent profile and committee profile”, a typical member of the committee can’t automatically see the profile data for the scouts.

Are you the scout’s parent, but can’t see the scout’s profile when your account is toggled to that role, either?

Please try an incognito window.

I am also having the same issue. I am a parent of two scouts. I am able to access one scout’s advancement info and not the other.

For the one that I am unable to access, it gives the same message as above. I have reached out to my council representative who reports the same thing and I have not heard back on how to fix this.

Out of curiosity, for both scouts show up when you log in to my.scouting (assuming you already have a my.scouting account) under My Applications?

Here is a picture of what I have in my.scouting. any help is greatly appreciated. I am having difficulty with K. (removed by Moderator)

Please let me and council know what to do if this is a problem.


Yes, I am his parent. Both he and I cannot view his profile. He was attempting to add to his camping nights and was also getting that error when logged in.

No luck with incognito either.

On the my.scouting page, in My Applications all I see is my name, member ID and troop # + charter organization. I see no reference to either of my scouts.

When I access through Scoutbook, click one of their names into activities, it brings me to the advancements.scouting.org page.

I am curious if anyone has an answer as how to fix this? Our council rep keeps saying she hasn’t heard from National and there’s no direct contact to National that parents can inquire or get assistance. Thank you!

I am curious if anyone has an answer as how to fix this? Our council rep keeps saying she hasn’t heard from National and there’s no direct contact to National that parents can inquire or get assistance. Thank you!

@Chau_TamSisterman Is your issue accessing your Scout’s advancements in Scoutbook? Or in Internet Advancement?

Internet advancement. I have two boys. I am able to access one and the other I am unable with similar situations. I called council and she also is unable to access the internet advancement for the one with the issue as well.

@Chau_TamSisterman Could you try again?

Hi Jennifer,

I just tried again and the same thing. I can access one child and not the other. These are the steps I did

  1. Scoutbook.scouting.org

  2. Advancements.scouting

  3. Scoutbook Plus Internet Advancement

@Chau_TamSisterman Could you try this?

  1. Log in at my.Scouting.
  2. Click on “BSA Web Links”.
  3. Click on “Internet Advancement”.

Let’s see if that might make a difference.

Hi Jennifer,

Yes I am able to access both this way. Thank you!

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