Unable to edit "Planned Advancement"

Continuing the discussion from Calendar Event Editing - Planned Advancement never opens:

@edavignon Do you know if there is a timeline to correct the problem here? The link to edit the requirements used to work just fine but has been broken for months. I took a screen shot because it pops something in the lower left corner but never opens like it used to.

The ability to display requirements planned information to all users in a saved event should also be an easy fix (at least the rank and req. number, NOT the whole description) just like displayed on the edit page. The integration to email I realize is much more complicated and I agree is best just listed in the notes or description fields.


@SixSpot - that looks like you are using the feature assistant. Please direct the inquiry there as well.

This happens independent of Extension - a story has been put in - no idea of timeline

Thanks for the note. I just wish it could work properly. The extension could maybe be a way to enhance usability once it is fixed.

The extension is quite nice. My wish is for Scoutbook to take a hint and make these extension enhancements permanent for everyone.

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