Unable to update street address

I am trying to update street address in my scouts’ profiles because we moved and I was able to update city and zip code but the street address (Address Line 1) does not save. It spins forever when I hit Save and nothing happens. How can I fix it?

@AnnaBelousov try changing the Street Address First - so it matches up the city and state

And do a Shift + Refresh on the page

Thank you, I tried that and it didn’t help.
I was able to enter street number in Address Line 1 and street name in Address Line 2 and save it this way. This must be a bug in the form field format. I guess this will do it for now…

@AnnaBelousov in Troop, Ship or pack?

So, From Pack Scoutbook account I go to Edit Profile under my Scout’s record and it redirects me to ScoutBook Plus Youth Profile (Internet Advancement) and there I am trying to edit the personal info of my scout

@AnnaBelousov was it JG or EG? And is the address as old one or like a brand new house?

both boys. I had the same issue on both profiles. The house has been here for the last 20 years, so that should not be an issue at all

I am encountering the same problem. The city, state, and zip code fields save the updated content. When I try to update the street, the circle on the button in front of the Save Changes will keep on spinning. I tried multiple browsers and refreshed. I am a Key 3, the parent is experiencing the same issue.
URL: Internet Advancement[SB User ID]?section=info

I am having the same issue.


Are you still having the issue this morning? A fix was released yesterday for this problem. If you still have the problem what is the MID of the individual (no names) where you can’t update the address?

I am still seeing the issue. I just tried again in two different browsers and the update to the street address does not save. MID:137415707


I’m going to send you a private message so we can get more information for the developers. Look for an envelope on the purple circle with white P in the upper corner of your forum window.


The developers released another fix. Can you please try again and let us know?

It worked! Thank you for your help.

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Thank you for confirming.

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