I am trying to update street address in my scouts’ profiles because we moved and I was able to update city and zip code but the street address (Address Line 1) does not save. It spins forever when I hit Save and nothing happens. How can I fix it?
@AnnaBelousov try changing the Street Address First - so it matches up the city and state
And do a Shift + Refresh on the page
Thank you, I tried that and it didn’t help.
I was able to enter street number in Address Line 1 and street name in Address Line 2 and save it this way. This must be a bug in the form field format. I guess this will do it for now…
@AnnaBelousov in Troop, Ship or pack?
So, From Pack Scoutbook account I go to Edit Profile under my Scout’s record and it redirects me to ScoutBook Plus Youth Profile (Internet Advancement) and there I am trying to edit the personal info of my scout
@AnnaBelousov was it JG or EG? And is the address as old one or like a brand new house?
both boys. I had the same issue on both profiles. The house has been here for the last 20 years, so that should not be an issue at all
I am encountering the same problem. The city, state, and zip code fields save the updated content. When I try to update the street, the circle on the button in front of the Save Changes will keep on spinning. I tried multiple browsers and refreshed. I am a Key 3, the parent is experiencing the same issue.
URL: Internet Advancement[SB User ID]?section=info
I am having the same issue.
Are you still having the issue this morning? A fix was released yesterday for this problem. If you still have the problem what is the MID of the individual (no names) where you can’t update the address?
I am still seeing the issue. I just tried again in two different browsers and the update to the street address does not save. MID:137415707
I’m going to send you a private message so we can get more information for the developers. Look for an envelope on the purple circle with white P in the upper corner of your forum window.
The developers released another fix. Can you please try again and let us know?
It worked! Thank you for your help.
Thank you for confirming.
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