Our Unit Advancement Chair stopped being able to access ANY advancement related reports via SB (desktop and mobile). BSA Member 136346452. She has the correct approvals next to her name, this issue started happening in April. We have done everything we could possibly do on our end. Everyone else in the committee has access to the reports.
@stephanievitale1 helping issues like this third party is very difficult - if the user could get on it would help
@stephanievitale1 She has 2 usernames at my.Scouting, and one of them is associated with a deleted BSA member ID number.
@stephanievitale1 Could you ask her to please log all the way out?
@stephanievitale1 Which username (login) does she want to keep?
e-mail address
First name plus a number
email please @JenniferOlinger
@stephanievitale1 Ask her to please try logging in to Scoutbook again using her e-mail address as the username.
Fixed! Thank you so much!!!
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