Unit Charter Renewal Report

Where Can I find the Recharter Renewal Report in the Internet Advancement 2.0?

My Chartered Organization Rep signed the recharter and I need to submit this report to council. I was told I would be able to access it once COR had signed it, but I can not find it. When I click on the recharter tab it says it’s locked, I’ve tried other tabs and I can not find it.

@AliciaBazeley-Hartzo - the unit key 3 should have an email at each stage of the submission process. Once the Adobe form is signed it is submitted to council. Nothing physical to send.

Thanks. I’m the Committee Chair. I was headed to council first thing so wanted to have this sorted to take tomorrow. I guess I will have to check back in with them as I was told by council that I needed to print it and bring it in.

@AliciaBazeley-Hartzo - I am committee chair as well and I have the email of each submitted recharter and verified with council that they have the signed paperwork submitted via recharter 2.0


I haven’t seen an email since the COR signed it, but I’m going to double check. If no success with emails I’ll swing by council tomorrow anyway and try and figure this out.

Thx again!

@AliciaBazeley-Hartzo - I received this:

2022 Unit Charter Submission Complete

Greetings, Troop 0033! Your unit’s charter has been submitted to Washington Crossing Council 777. You can always check status in Internet Advancement or by contacting Washington Crossing Council 777.

from this email address:

Boy Scouts of America boyscoutsofamerica@email.scouting.org

Remember that the COR signature is sent to them from council now and you don’t need to get a signature and upload unless that is only specific to our council which I believe it is not
Once you click submit you can go into your my.scouting.org and see that it will show That all paperwork is submitted and they are still waiting on COR signature, Unless of course that is only specific to our council but I believe it is not. I hope this is helpful

Thanks. COR did it online.

Still in my first year so only had to learn recharter this year, did not have to mentally switch from the old system. But did have to chase up signatures for JTE and Charter Renewal anyway.

I imagine not all councils do things exactly the same way.

I got that email after I submitted the recharter on my end. I thought it was all done, but when I went into council they told me the COR still needed to sign it. So I then emailed and asked for direction for the COR so she knew what to do. Council emailed back with that info and with the request that once she has done that I can access and print out the Unit Charter Renewal Report to bring into them.

Each Council to their own I guess!

Once it is submitted, you can’t get it in IA 2. The COR, Unit Leader, and CC will get an email from Adobe Sign to have the COR sign it. They click on the link and sign electronically. Then hit submit. The key 3 will get another email saying it is signed.

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