Unit missing from scoutbook

I am hoping for some help. Our wolf pack is missing from Scoutbook. It seems to have disappeared sometime in the last couple of weeks. Parents are also unable to see their youth in that den as well. Any help would be appreciated. Pack 3130

@TierraJones we cannot help you without MIDs to look - since you are a council employee it gives us no data to see

MID# 132479308 is in the unit

@TierraJones if you are talking about 3130 it seems fine - would need more information or setup a screenshare with a key 3 or unit admin in the unit to see.

@TierraJones or are you talking about the Wolf Den? We cannot really see to a Den Level, but I see there are no Wolf Level Scouts. Are the old Wolf Scouts still on the Roster in Scoutbook +?

Yes their wolf den has disappeared. Parent are unable to see their scouts


What are the MIDs of some of the wolf Scouts (no names).

@TierraJones Are these the missing Scouts from the Wolf Den?