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When I look at the list of forums I can access in the Scoutbook Forums, I have two unit forums at the top of the list… which both bear the same unit number. I can’t tell which one is which from the forum listing. There’s a unique 6-digit number on the end of each, but I’ve no idea which number goes with which unit. One of them is a boy unit, and one is a girl unit, but they share a unit number. There’s no B or G in the name in the forum, so I can’t tell them apart.
Of course, I can go into Scoutbook and hit the forums link there while looking at that unit and that gets me to the correct one, but it just seems like another place they missed adding the designators for boy or girl units.
Thank you. I have captured the information I need for the developers. I can manually rename the categories for you if you can tell me which is which. Is 36* the B or G troop?