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When I make changes to our troop SB calendar events (eg a location or time change) these changes are being updated for some of ours parent’s phone calendar programs but not others. This seems to hold true even after waiting several days. Seems to be some difference between if they are using iCal vs google calendar.
When testing - parent goes to the “subscribe” link for the calendar feed on the events page and clicks on it (on iPhone). Phone asks “do you want to download these 165 events?” Should the person accept? Is this a download of static events that won’t update for future changes or is it a link to a live connection that will update when calendar events are modified?
@LauraMyerholtz - the ics download is static, they need to subscribe to other calendar via the url. No bug, user issue.
-Go to Settings> Passwords & Accounts.
-Click “Add Account.”
-Select Other > Add Subscribed Calendar.
-Paste the iCal link in the “Server” prompt; click “Next.”
Hit Save (No user name or password required). Pack or den events added in the future will automatically be added to your calendar on your iOS device.
-In Calendar, choose File > New Calendar Subscription.
-Enter the calendar’s web address, and then click Subscribe.
-Enter a name for the calendar in the Name field and choose a color from the adjacent pop-up menu. -To view a subscription calendar in Calendar on your Mac and on devices with iOS 5 or later without resubscribing to it, choose your iCloud account.
-To update your copy of the calendar when changes to it are published, choose the update frequency from the “Auto-refresh” pop-up menu. -Click OK.
Also keep in mind that Google only updates calendar subscriptions once every 24 hours so it may take a day before a user sees an update to the Scoutbook calendar on a Google calendar.