Updating old entries in Internet Advancement - is it really not possible?

Hello… It sounds like this may be a widespread problem - creating a new thread to be sure I understand the situation and if anything can/cannot be done…

Background - previous leadership used Scoutbook/Internet Advancement very little - when we took over - there was zero “turnover” and we are figuring everything out as we go along here. I am Cubmaster - husband is Committee Chair so we should have all required permissions.

  1. Feb 2021 - we discovered the “Activity Log” function in IA. We accidentally created multiple entries for a hike for our Cub Scout son. We cannot delete the extra entries. We have tried to do it both in the IA web browser and the Scouting App. We have tried under our “profile” as parents and as the registered leader profile. We CAN edit them and set them to zero miles so it isn’t REALLY double counting anything but would like to “clean it up” if possible.
  2. We have a parent (not registered leader) who also discovered the “activity log” through the Scouting app and has input several “family camping trips/hikes”. Aug 2021, June 2020, Dec 2020, etc We recently discovered the verbiage that says " Stuff done as a Cub DOES count towards their totals when they transfer to BSA however it must be “approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America”. It specifically excludes family camping and hikes- " so we are trying to edit/delete those to no avail. She said that since they were “approved” (something we do not recall doing) - she can’t edit them and we cannot edit them b/c they are “personal entries” . She cannot even edit them to be “zero” miles/nights so as not to double count them the way we were able to edit the hikes for our son.

What am I missing here? I really don’t understand how/why these can’t be edited by anyone…