Updating Swimmer Classification in IA

With the new move of the profile into to YA, a Den Admin with the Den Admin role can no longer access the Edit Profile info in IA for the youth in their Den. She needs to update the Swimmer Classification for each one, which she was able to do prior to the move to IA. Is this a bug, or if not, what is the minimum Scoutbook role/permission required for a leader to be able to access the profile info and update the Swimmer info and Medical Form dates?

Thank you!

I just did swim test for scouts today. Also hit this problem.

Is anyone else a Den Leader / Den Admin and able to update the swimmer info?

The developers are working on adding permissions for Den Leaders in Internet Advancement 2.0.

Until that happens, you need to be one of the pack’s Key 3 (Cubmaster, Committee Chair, or Chartered Org. Rep.), a Key 3 Delegate, or Unit Advancement Chair.

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