Using Payment feature -- Pros and Cons

We are looking for a way to track money that scouts owe the troop and payments that the scouts have made. We are currently using a stand-alone spreadsheet.

If you enter charges/payments in SB, do you like it? If you tried and stopped using it, why?

Finding a way to track running balances for monthly activities would be very helpful. Then we would only need to keep track of big item deposits (summer camps, Philmont, etc.) separately.

Payments feature
  • Not recommended
  • Recommended
  • Considering

0 voters

We used it for Pack Scout accounts. Works well. Treasurer still need to keep master copy outside scoutbook. One issue is Webelos Crossing over to Troop. Once a scout transferred out of unit his payment log was gone.

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I like the payment log. Used it to enter multiple debits and credits and it gives a running balance. The Feature Assistant Extension adds functionality.

  • I like that the parent can examine the log and bring errors to the attention of the treasurer in a timely manner.
  • Credits can be entered without a matching debit.
  • If you want, you can assign credits to debits.
  • If a debit has credits that cover the amount, it will no longer show as an option to assign a credit.
  • A credit can’t be assigned to more than one debit, requiring multiple entries for one aggregate payment.
  • I have used the Payment Log Balance report to keep track of which scout accounts need attention.
  • Reporting could be improved. I have not found a good way to choose one debit, i.e., 2019/20 Dues, and report debits and credits for this one category.
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Don’t use it under any circumstance. You will lose all transaction history as scouts are removed from your roster.

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