I am a MC for both a Scouts BSA Troop and a Venturing Crew that are from different COs. I have connection to three youth - an 18+ venturing participant only registered in the crew, whose Venturing items DO show up in the Crew “needs approval” report. The other two are 14 yo who are primary in a Scouts BSA troop, one same council and the other from a different council but is also multiple registered in the Scouts BSA troop I am a MC for. Both 14yos show up in the Troop version of the “needs approval” report for their Scouts BSA items, but their Venturing items do not show up under the Venturing report, and once the 18+ Venturing items were approved, the Venturing “needs approval” report only displays the Scouts BSA troop items. Unit IDs are 78170, and 61601. I did not grab a screen shot before the Crew CC had approved the 18+ youth’s items.
I am not normally the one marking leader approved but the Crew CC thought they got all of the outstanding stuff marked same and yet Venturing items show just green completed on the two 14 yo Venturers. This may be a long-running issue, but my 14yo nephew and son only recently multipled into a Venturing crew so I’m just seeing it now.