Warning about another user has same email address Plus other issues

I’ve been having issues with multiple user IDs on one email for some time. It seems my old account or the duplicate account was closed but now I am seeing the following error on my account when signing into scoutbook.

“Warning, another user is using the same e-mail address. If this is unexpected, contact your local council or post to the Using Scoutbook Forum.”

A couple other questions/issues.

  1. My wife is the den admin but when she is attempting to update my adult profile to add me as a den leader the profile window doesn’t load, just says loading forever. Attached a screenshot of the loading.

  2. Also, when I attempt to login to the den leader experience it doesn’t load saying I need to be assigned a den, but when I go to scoutbook it I am a den leader. My wife logging to the den leader experience sees the site fine, but I do not.

Any help on these would be great!

This is fixed for you @BrendanGardner

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Thank you, the error is gone and I can now see the den leader site correctly. Thank you! If there is anything I can do to help troubleshoot the adult profile to assign den admin rights, please let me know.

You should be good to go on that too now - just try again

Had my wife try again, still unable to load my profile, should we try adding me as a leader again? She clicks my name on this page and it just spins.

Post the URL attached to the name on that page

Page she is on: Scoutbook

Name of person clicking:

Everything looks fine - I would have another user (Pack Admin) attempt

Thanks I will try someone else to see if we can get it to work.

I am receiving a warning that another user is using the same email address. I’m not experiencing any issues. My account looks normal. Is there anything else I need to do?

@ AaronKirchhefer You had an old account in Scoutbook. I removed it.

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