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I completed the training but its not giving me the continue button. I stopped and started this module and i guess the progress didnt save. I reloaded again and now all my progress is lost. I’ve already watched a number of these more than once.
I did get s screen shot of the courses checked off.
Is there any way to manually give me credit or do i have to do it all again?
@CaseySchultz1 - I was able to complete this training recently. The key is to run all sections and at the end let it complete on its own any exit prior to its full end will have you begin all over again.
Thanks for the reply but thats the problem. Im doing this training in between other activies like cooking dinner and taking kids to practices. This is the only module i came across that doesnt save progress. Im hoping the bug can be fixed.
Go to council… nah. Thats what i was told when my daughter and i couldnt get into scoutbook. She went the whole year without access. It was pretty terrible. I sent a lot of emails to council on the issue. I finally came here with the issue and it was fixed in under 2hrs.
No clear record I have that you did the course - I do see you in the training system today - you can see if Unit Key 3 will enter it for you - IF they still can - not sure on that
@DonovanMcNeil you can see my screenshot in the 1st post though, right? All the training is checked off as complete in the pic. This module is clearly bugged, right?
I completed all the other training, i have no reason to lie here, lol.
Now its showing 50% complete with none of the modules complete.
I’ll see if one of the key 3 can mark it off. I can redo the 30min training, id just rather not. My main point here is that its clearly bugged and should be fixed.
For anyone else that has this issue, this thread looks helpful:
Responses of note from 2021:
Course should be run on latest version of Chrome or Edge (trainings generally don’t like Safari).
Clear your cache prior to taking the training to ensure the browser has no remaining info from previous attempts (some “fixes” were released throughout this thread).
“Weather Hazard has had bugs for a couple years now. I first encountered, and reported it about 4 yrs ago, and it has been a popular topic in our district for awhile. Best course is keep taking it, it will eventually go through.”
There are other reports of the issue. I didn’t do an exhaustive search, here’s one: