Webelos 2 Scout event type

I am trying to creat a Webelos 2 Scout Transition event for our Webelos.

This event type is only being allowed for items that are tagged for the “Full Pack” calendar, but not for events tagged for a specific Den calendar.

I think this event type should be available as a Den event since it just involves the WEbelos.

@JasonKracht - do you have a troop tagged to the event ? That will add the W2S type

Where would I add a link to a Troop? When I click “Add” under event calendars, I only see my unit & my dens.

@JasonKracht - what happens if make the event in the scoutbook calendar

Same behavior. I cannot select Webelos Transition for Webelos only events. I have to have the whole pack calendar selected to add this event type.

@JasonKracht - and that is the way it has always been.

Just because it is the “Way it has always been”, doesn’t equate to it being the right answer. When the system is being redesigned, it makes sense to look at what should be fixed. They have now allowed “Den Meeting” as a type when “full pack” is the calendar is selected (which I am very happy about). This would be a similar type of change.


Many packs invite everyone to a crossover event so the younger Cub Scouts can observe and congratulate the new Scouts.

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@JasonKracht - we have always had the bridging as a Pack event

It seems like the “Webelos 2 Scout Transition” event type should be available for pack or den events.


Interesting, I wasn’t thinking of using this as the “Bridging” event. That is part of our Pack Meeting. I was viewing this as events where the Webelos den goes to visit Troops & learn more about the Scouts-BSA program.

I called that a den meeting when I was a Webelos den leader.

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@JasonKracht - i posted the BSA guide to the transition. It is multiple parts ending with what is typically the Blue and Gold but it is the pack that hosts the ceremony to transition.

When the original developer created Scoutbook, most of the calendar event types were added because they relate to a Journey to Excellence (JTE) objective. Whether this one does or not, I do not know, but they do update the JTE objectives every year.

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@JenniferOlinger - membership item 4 is the transition to Scouts BSA on the jte scorecard for packs

Right, and the JTE is looking for joint activities with a troop. Seems to me it could be fulfilled as a Webelos den or as a pack activity.

@JenniferOlinger - yes. I will say though that the intent of the Webelos to scout transition event type was the bridging ceremony as the other items in the timeline of the transition are den meetings. I would have to look up in the old forums on when that was added and the description behind it.

The current JTE criteria specifies 2 joint events with a troop. I would think that one of them could include the crossover ceremony. The other could be anything: a hike, a campout, going to visit a troop, etc. Anything that helps the 5th grade Scouts with their transition to a troop.

@JenniferOlinger - i can agree with that. Currently though both scoutbook and the IA calendar only provide the transition type with the pack selection as i think the intent was the bridging itself.