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Almost our entire roster has duplicate, triplicate, and quadruplicate parental connections
My own son’s entire Scouting history was deleted. 5 years of camping nights, hiking miles, Rank Advancement, Merit Badges, and Temporary Awards … all gone. There’s nothing left …
It appears to manifest around the time that rechartering occurred for the various units that have reported it, but that’s still anecdotal.
I would suggest contacting scoutbook.support@scouting.org with information that your unit is suffering the same problems that many/most of the rest of us are.
Now it’s showing different connection than what was listed earlier when I made my original post. Some of the Scouts who had 2x, 3x, 4x parent connections now have no parents listed.
Please send an email to scoutbook.support@scouting.org with some of the examples, especially those with the most parents and those with no parents. Post the ticket number back here.