Parent connection showing duplicate email/wrong parent for scout

I have two sons in cub scouts, a second grader and kindergartner. My older boy has always shown in scoutbook fine, but my younger son has never shown up in my scoutbook. When I asked the den leader she showed me that in the area she can access the parent for my son was listed with all of my correct info except the first name is wrong. So Scoutbook tells me another user is using the same email address as me and i do not see my son listed in my family. Obviously somehow the entry for me for my younger son was put in wrong and it is seeing these as two accounts. What can I do to get this fixed? I have tried working with the Buckeye Council to no avail. I would really like to be able to show my son the advancements and go over them.

@MathewArrington post Scouts BSA # (no names) and we can take a look

How would I even know his ID?


I have found your accounts and am working on fixing this. Stand by


Somehow you ended up with 2 BSA Member IDs (MID) in the same council, one connected to each son.

I have merged your 2 Scoutbook accounts and placed your 2nd MID on your account as secondary.

Please contact your Council and ask them to user the Relationships tab of Registrar Tools to move your younger son from your MID ending in 142 to your MID ending in 519. This will prevent issues in the future and allow you to renew both son’s memberships.

Also, check your mailing address to make sure it is correct. Your two accounts had different addresses.

Thanks, I do now see my younger son now and Scoutbook is not giving me the error. I did try to add a photo for him however and it said: “Logged In user does not have access to this API”

Will this clear up once the council does what they need to do?

That wouldn’t surprise me. I also wouldn’t be surprised if you needed to wait 24 hours after the actions Ed took.

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