What info do you need from a leader in order to merge his accounts?

We have a new Scoutmaster who have upgraded from being an ASM. With the start of the new role, he changed his email address, to make sure it is dedicated only to scouting. 2 days ago he needed to send some urgent messages to some of the scout parents and found out he’s locked out of Scoutbook. I believe he later was able to log in from his phone app, and possibly did it on his other account, but that doesn’t solve the issue.

I’m thinking merging the two of his accounts could do it. What information should I ask from him?

I am pretty sure the main account is the one with his new email address - BSA Member ID: 134557228. Should I ask him to make sure? The other account - Member ID13197480.

I believe his main reason for not asking to merge his accounts was because he was worried he’d loose his training records. I can see that his YPT and the list of other trainings are recorded on 134557228, but I don’t know if there’s any training recorded on the other account.

I don’t know if he’s able to login into his my.scouting account and what login info he’s using there, but I know that his email there was updated to the new one.

What info should I find out from him in order to help him not to be “locked out of Scoutbook”?

@NadezhdaAnikeev should be able fine (firstinitial).(lastname)26 username - I recommend that They contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. When they look up the children, they want to check children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that children are connected to parent with Only the correct BSA member ID number 134557228

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Thank you! I’ll tell him. Did you just fix something? I’m pretty sure I saw both of his accounts connected to his son’s and now I can only see his 134557228 under his son and under the messaging part of the Scoutbook.