Why do Hiking mileage entries only allow whole numbers?

Why do hiking entries only allow whole numbers? If our Pack does two hikes at 2.4 miles each, which round down to 2.0 miles each, they only get credit for a total of 4.0 miles instead of 4.8 miles (which would round up to 5). How difficult could it possibly be to allow one or two more decimal points in a numerical cell?

I know that this was requested, and I believe it was added to the backlog. If I recall correctly from the previous thread, the original decision was based on compatibility with an existing system that only accepted integers for the service hours. I suspect (but don’t know) that the developers simply extended that constraint to all of the logs.

we ask for it I will check

The same issue has been reported for Service hours.

The developers were primarily thinking of what the old Service Hour Reporting system had to report. Since it didn’t track individuals but only reported the aggregate number of hours to districts, councils and national, it didn’t occur to them that there might be a need to record something less than a whole number. As a result, users are now left with the dilemma of either short changing a Scout by rounding down, or giving them credit for more than they originally did. Both violate the trustworthiness factor.

We have been told that the developers have been made aware of the problem and that a request has been submitted by SUAC for them to fix it.

Chuck Olson
Troop 463

Is there an update on this? Under my Cubmaster and Scoutmaster access I can now enter fractions of a mile but parents are telling me that they still cannot enter fractional miles for their scouts. Our workaround is for them to report exact mileage outside of IA and temporarily enter a rounded number into IA. When I go in to approve the pending entries I adjust the mileage to the exact number that was reported.

@JamesMayled Do you know how the parents are entering hiking miles?

Are they using the Scouting mobile app? Or are they using Scoutbook / Internet Advancement?

A parent reports that both the website and mobile app only allows whole miles.

@JamesMayled Could you ask your parents to try again in Internet Advancement?

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