Hi! Not sure where to post this. My mom is trying to get into her account but we found out the email connected to the account where they send the password reset is misspelled.
Her username is (removed) and the member id is 120278053. I just need the email changed to (removed) so she can make a new password.
This is actually a world-readable forum, so you probably don’t want quite so much info posted. The Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC) members can collect some of that info in a private group chat, but I’m not sure if anyone other than your council can reset her email address if she has previously connected to her account.
Your Council can reset her my.scouting.org ID password. After they reset the password she can fix her email address.
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Oh I didn’t realize that. Is there a way to delete this then?
The SUAC/mods already cleared the PII, do you should be set.