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When attempting to send a message, our SPL can only see unit Leaders and his own parents. My two sons are able to message anyone (scouts/parents/leaders) within the Troop. This came up when the SPL was trying to contact the parent of a Scout who didn’t have a youth account in Scoutbook.
Is there a setting in this youth’s profile that I am missing?
That’s weird. My son’s account can see all of the other accounts under My Dashboard → Messages → Send Message. I tried adding an SPL role to his leadership, and he can still see everyone to email them.
Is your SPL over 18 by any chance? That shouldn’t (I think) be an impediment to sending messages, but I’m trying to identify something that might differentiate his account from others.
A parent would see only themself and any others parents who they have a common scout connection with. The screen you said the SPL has looks exactly like a non-leader parent’s would.