Send Message to Entire Troop - Scouts Too

Sorry for bringing up this old saw, but my Google-Fu is weak tonight.

I have the Scoutmaster role and Troop Admin. I have ‘full control’ permissions for every member of the Troop. I can see all Leaders and all Parents.

When I go into Messages, under ‘Scouts’, I can only see my son. How do I send a message to all Scouts? (understanding that “When you email Scouts we automatically include the parent/guardians.”)

Parents have to allow their Scouts to be invited (by them) by going to profile and inviting the Scout to have a Scoutbook Account

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My son isn’t the only Scout with a SB account.

pretty sure he is. or he is the only only one that has accepted the account. I kind of know this system

I’ll double check. The parents / scouts that I walked through the process must have gone back an undone it.

Thanks so much for the help!

@SM.Siciliano playing on test server today - a Scout does not appear until they have logged in the first time

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