YPT Completion issue - renewal (09/2021)


When I “Retake” Y01, the link brought me to a page with 4 big modules:

I’ve completed all the English modules, which I believe they linked to SCO_3009, SCO_3010 and SCO_3008, on 9/10/2021 (shown below screenshot).

It’s Jan, 2022. My YPT is still not shown completion. Can someone look into this issue? Or let me know the next step I should do?


You are missing SCO_3008 - Overview and Policies. Once you complete this module, your YPT should show as valid for another 2 years.


SCO_3008 was completed as snapshot below:


@Yen_FuLin That was completed 11/07/2020. It was too long ago to be considered for completing YPT with the modules you completed on 9/10/2021.

You will need to complete SCO_3008 again. Since it has been 4 months since you completed the other modules, you may be forced to do them again as well. I do not remember how long the system gives to complete all 4 modules without having to restart.

Ok. I will retake SCO_3008.
I will report back here if I can’t get YPT certificate still after SCO_3008.


Every one of the parts of YPT has to be retaken every 2 years for it to count.

Yes. I want to be compliant to that.
After SCO_3008, it’s completed.


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