YTP training not starting

After I enroll I get the below screen. The training doesn’t start and there is no button for starting it.

@SanghyunPark - is there anything below that box… If I click on retake, I have the box you show plus the module beneath it

What’s behind the “more” down arrow on the left/middle of your screenshot, @SanghyunPark ?

Behind “more” there is only one option “Unenroll”

Below that box is a different course. Here’s a larger screenshot.


Under “Overview And Policies V2”, click on “Start”.

Oh that’s actually a part of the YTP course?! I thought that was a different course. Thank you.

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“Overview And Policies V2” is the first module in the “Mandatory- Youth Protection Training” learning plan.


Note that there are four modules, including the exam, and all must be completed in a 60-day window to be credited.

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Had same issue
had to disable add blockers in my browser to have it going