2 adult accounts need to be merged

Please merge my 2 scoutbook accounts. My scout should be affiliated with My Primary ID: 12595053.

My Primary ID: 12595053
2nd account ID: 14808789 (needs to be merged)
Scout ID: 14680466


@DanielleThompson I am checking.

@DanielleThompson This should be fixed. You might need to log all the way out, then log back in again to see any changes.

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Thank you! It appears to have worked. However, I was notified that my scout needs to be renewed. I don’t see him in my account. Is this something you can help me with? I followed the Parent Renewal of Youth form here

@DanielleThompson It looks like the other parent has the parent / child “relationship” at my.Scouting that is needed to renew the Scout’s membership.

If you would like to be the one who renews the Scout’s membership, you can contact your local council and ask them to add you as a parent “relationship” using their Registrar Tools.

@DanielleThompson I just noticed this:

Your Scout has 2 BSA member ID numbers:

14680466 - Registration in the grace period with troop
12595064 - Expired / lapsed registrations with pack

Thank you so much for your help. Can my local council help with the 2 BSA IDs or does that need to be merged? Thank you.

BSA #s cannot be merged - they can only be managed IF the user has a sign in - you can have Scout use this pdf to make a sign in -
Myst Account Setup.pdf (233.0 KB)

Thank you so much for your fast reply. I will contact my local council.

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