Hi! I am listed as the Den Leader for my 3 merged dens and can access the Den Leader Experience to plan meetings. In Scoutbook, though, I am just listed as a Committee member and cannot update anything in Scoutbook.
What does your official registration at my.scouting say (i.e. Committee Member or Den Leader)? Does the BSA ID there match the BSA ID that you see in Scoutbook?
Your Scoutbook Unit Admins (including the unit Key 3) should be able to correct your position in Scoutbook if all of the relevant registrations match.
@TriciaQuigley it looks like a Unit Admin needs to give you connections to you den Scouts
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@TriciaQuigley And none of your Den Positions are Approved in Scoutbook which is also a major issue an Admin can fix
@TriciaQuigley can you see scouts in DLE
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