Den Leaders Not Seeing Den Member

Two DLs are registered correctly in my.scouting, but cannot see their Den members in Scoutbook:
MID 14810322, SB ID 12919454
MID 14810250, SB ID 12919789
I am the Council employee and cannot see anything that requires a fix on my side. Assistance appreciated. TIA

@SarahNorman well there Den Leader Positions are not assigned to a Den in Scoutbook. They do both had Den Admin assigned to a den which should give them Full control of members of that den, but not being able to see the den and if scouts are in it that is hard to say. Unit admins need to assign DL to dens and update the den admin positions, to establish the connections

Thank you. Since I cannot see the unit SB I was flying a bit blind. I will reach out to their Unit Key 3.

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