Access to Scout - Scout's Email address changed before Invite Accepted

New scenario for me: a parent wants to give their Scout access to their Scoutbook account – SB User ID: 454500 – and previously sent an invitation, but the Scout never accepted the invitation to activate the account.

The parent still wants to give Scoutbook access to the Scout, but the email address initially used is no longer accessible to the Scout.

Is there a way for the parent to delete the original invitation or update the email address and resend the invitation? If not, can my SUAC colleagues assist?

Many Thanks and Yours in Scouting,


The Scout already has a ID that is setup with Google Login. Your Council can submit a ticket to have this changed to use BSA credentials and change the e-mail address. The SUAC does not have the ability to change the login type from Google login to BSA credentials.

@edavignon , just to confirm: you were able to confirm that this Scout has a my.Scouting account setup that uses Google Login – the Scout may not realize this – and because of this, we need to request the email address and login change locally?


If the Scout has access to his Google account he should be able to login to both and Scoutbook, however, since you said he no longer has access to the e-mail, he probably can’t log in to Google.

The Scout’s initials are PB and his gmail address is his first/last name followed by a number.

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thanks @edavignon – I follow up with parent and Scout and see what we can do.


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