Accident my removed new scout

I have a scout that has in another council before moving to our current council. He then tried out a different Pack and has rolled into our unit.

We did a transfer form and he showed up in my unit but I could not view him. I hit a button thinking I was sending a message to the parent to allow us to connect and accidentally removed the scout. (BTW a “do you really want to do this” should pop up for something major like this).

When his parent logs in he only sees the scout as listed in another council and connected to that unit.

How do I

  1. get this scout back in my roster
  2. get this parent connected
  3. transfer out of the other council.
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You probably should do #3 first, but for both, I’d do the following:
First, check under my dashboard > adminsistration > my account > my connections for the scout. If there, add a membership to your pack.
If not there, go to you pack roster, scroll to the bottom, and click transfer in scout. You’ll need their bsa member # for this.
Once you have both versions of the scout on your roster, send an email to Ask them to put the bsa member number from your council into the original account from the other council. The original one is the the you want to keep. Ask them to merge the accounts.

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