Scouting Numbers

Our military family just moved from CA to Upstate NY. I was able to go on Scoutbook and add my two sons to their new Pack- but when I was going through and removing old connections (I was on my account and clicked “Remove Old Connections”, it deleted both of my boys from my Scoutbook account. I’m nervous as they have not been officially transferred to the new pack; and since I went through and deleted their old connections, that they’ll be lost in space. I tried emailing to see if I could get their BSA numbers to add them as a connection again, but support is unavailable and I can’t find them anywhere. Can anyone help?
Courtney Zufelt

If they have a membership added in the new pack as you noted, the CM/CC/COR or another unit admin for the new pack should be able to:

  • Approve their memberships in the new pack (temporarily) in Scoutbook. Your scouts still need the official transfer paperwork to be submitted to the new council in order to actually transfer their membership.
  • Pull their current BSA ID from their profiles
  • Reconnect you as a parent if you are actually disconnected. If the system is just confused (i.e. you look connected from the front end, but are not connected on the back end), one of the folks from SUAC might be able to trigger a sync for your scouts

In principle, the Remove Old Connections tool should never strip a parent connection, so I’m confused as to what happened there.

Although you don’t have their BSA IDs, someone from SUAC might be able to help given additional information. If they can, they’ll specify what they need.

@CourtneyZufelt this is fixed for you - you might have to log out and back in first - make sure you fill out new application the same way as old one and all SHOULD go smoothly

Thank you so much!! I appreciate it.

Yes, I was wondering why it removed them. I didn’t think that was supposed to happen. Do you know if the transfer paperwork is available online?

The “paperwork” is essentially a new youth application, but with the “transfer” bubble marked and hte existing BSA ID included in the lower right corner of the application. Hardcopies are generally available from your unit and a PDF can be obtained from the BSA website here:

Transfer methods can depend on both your unit and council, as some require “hardcopy” transfers, and others permit online transfers. That said, I think I saw a post recently indicating that inter-council transfers aren’t working right online, so I would lean toward the “paper” method personally, even if you start with a PDF of the youth application.

I am 99% positive the OP is a parent new to my pack. Just to confirm - @CourtneyZufelt were you at a Pack Meeting on 9/9 at Firemen’s Grove where the kids made robots out of toothbrushes?

If so, I am a Pack Admin and I see both of your sons in our Pack within Scoutbook. I am not a key 3 in the pack so I cannot confirm they are on the roster at My Scouting but it’s safe to assume they are not because I do not believe we’ve brought our paper applications to the Council office yet.

Since our Pack does not use the online application tools (it’s turned off for our Pack), the paper applications will need to be brought to our Council Office in Albany. You can fill them our and return them to Jenn or Josh.

If this is indeed the family that was at our meeting, I can give you the BSA ID#s that are in Scoutbook.

@CharleyHamilton - I am the person who started the post about inter-council transfers because we have another family from CA who tried to use the tools at My Scouting and it would not allow her to select a Pack from NY. I sent her the PDF of the paper application to fill out instead.

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Some notices and documentation says it is possible. @DonovanMcNeil said he tried and it did not work. I tried and got the same result. One enters a unit from some other council and it does not show up.

@S.G if your pack has online apps turned off it will never work for you - is where you can transfer across councils

@DonovanMcNeil - The reason I had asked about it in a post is because the change log mentioned using the My Scouting tools, so I assumed it meant the transfer function either from the roster or the parent’s account. The change log did not specify that it has to be done via the application process or that it needs to be turned on.

We have had no trouble transferring out AOL scouts to their new troops using the roster transfer tool, but the family from CA was the first time we tried to have scouts transferred in.

Yes! That was us! I got the issue resolved and both boys are back on my Scoutbook dashboard.
I’m glad you see them on the new pack! I filled out the apps and have their transfer info on there as well. I messaged Jen about it as well.
Thanks so much!

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