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I’ve got a couple of adults that are on my roster, but won’t sync to SB/IA. I tried adding them to the unit roster in SB by their BSA ID and it created new SB profiles for those adults. I know there are existing profiles because they are associated with their child/scouts. The adults’ BSA IDs are 13732205 and 131616215.
I’ve also got an adult/parent that was given a duplicate profile during recharter and connected to all of their child/scouts. His BSA ID is 119810732.
Oh, the new non-adult parent connections were deleted in SB already. What’s the best way to handle that going forward? Have the registrar fix the adult’s account with his real name?
OK, the 2 adults re-sync’d with the new profiles that are separate from their parent profiles. The parent profiles have their actual camping logs, but the new leader profiles have their BSA IDs associated with their training (afaik).
@graywh ok both those are fixed - both happened because on the parent accounts you do not have DOB - also I recommend that They contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. When they look up the children, they want to check children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that children are connected to parent with Only the correct registered BSA member ID number