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While trying to set up the Scouting app on my scout’s phone, I foolishly thought I should first create an account on scoutbook.scouting.org for him, which I could then link to his entry that I see as a parent on SB. (I now see that I should have sent him an invite link.)
This appear to have created a zombie account associated with his email address that is not a member of any units.
So when I went to click the button to send him the invitation link, I am told that the email address is already being used. I cannot find a way to delete the account I just created. I did try to change the email address on the newly created account, but I still get the email address already being used message.
Is there a way to delete such a zombie SB account so that I can invite my scout to SB the right way?
Yes, I mistyped the last name as well. The scout did not previously have a SB ID (as far as I know, since we never created an account for him there.) I just want to remove the SB account that I just created an hour ago, so I can start over the right way.