When going to reassign a new member to a den, I accidentally ended their membership by adding an end date to their original role. Their user ID is 12962429. Is there any way to reverse this action?
@TobyLichtle have you gone to my account > my connections and looked for the scout there?
This scout also seems problematic for you, since account was made 12/23/22 make sure they are on your recharter as well. And they only paid the Prorated year which is odd with current system.
I’m not seeing the Scout listed there.
Yeah I tried to resync - but I do not think it will work, as registration in AKELA is not set to Active. We will see. To reassign ALWAYS go to Den (Sub-unit) and click the Reassign button
Any idea where I go from here? Our recharter has already been submitted and is on hold at council, so I’m not sure what I can do there. Do I need to contact our council registrar to get him added back into the pack?
Is the Scout on the Recharter? If so all should be good when it is processed
Unfortunately I don’t think so. We submitted our recharter at the end of November, and this application just came in at the end of December.
Well in my book this is a council mistake - they should have registered the scout for all of 2023 - that is the new national process, not sure what they were thinking only registering the Scout for 9 days.
The “future payment” for the upcoming charter year is only guaranteed if the person applied and paid through online registration in the final three months of the charter year. If they did a paper application, the council registrar has the option of putting them in for only the remainder of the current charter year, or putting them in for the remainder of the current charter year and all of the next year. So, for paper applications, you’d need to find out what your council does. It sounds like you may need to contact your council registrar.
Thanks, both. Just to confirm, is it possible to remove the end date on their membership to have them added back into our pack roster for now? I really want to avoid any limbo for the Scout.
@TobyLichtle I re-established the connection to you so you can redo membership - the scout will fall off SB Roster in 60 days if membership is not fixed with council
Thanks so much! I’ll get with council this week.