We accidentally removed a handful of scouts on 3/1/24. The only one I have a connection with is my son, #135948158. I thought I had figured it out but he’s not showing up in Internet Advancement. Please help.
I see you are connected to many Scouts with full control. Please post the BSA Member IDs (no names) of the Scouts that were accidentally removed and we will investigate.
If necessary, a Key 3 member can get these from the roster at my.scouting.org.
Your sons SB Membership is not approved - an admin needs to do that
131136284, 137118150, 137118158, 130786429,
@CharlesWells6 I am checking.
@CharlesWells6 Your Scout with first initial W. needs to have his membership approved by a Troop Admin.
The 4 Scouts that you posted should be back on the roster within 24 hours. If moving Scouts between patrols, we recommend that a Troop Admin use the “Reassign Scout(s)” button from the patrol page.
Please have a Troop Admin check their leadership positions and make sure they are approved (green shield with checkmark in Scoutbook).
Unrelated, but there is a Scout with initials “L.K.” who is somehow registered in the pack and the troop at the same time. The code is not supposed to allow this. Please ask one of the troop leaders to contact your local council service center and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to end his Webelos registration with the pack.
Our Troop also has 3 youth and an adult that disappeared from Scoutbook. The parents are not able to see their progress anymore and our adult is our advancement chair and no longer has access to update our advancements.
Youth 129551148, 134134414, 133515242
Adult 14123052
@JenniferWilson12 the 3 scouts should be back this evening - your SM ended the positions.
The Adults Registration has issues and is not set to current - talk to your council
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