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I have had BSA ID 140987500 for a couple years. We recently moved to a new town in a different counsel, and when the transfer conpleted I had a new BSA ID and was disassociated from my kids. Can you help?
My desired/old ID: (removed by Moderator)
My new/undesired ID: (removed by Moderator)
My kids: (removed by Moderator) and (removed by Moderator)
@StephenLambert_II It looks like your new adult leader registration is pending (waiting on the overnight process) under your BSA member ID number that ends in -500.
Please ask us to check again tomorrow, but I think you are going to have to ask Dan Beard to use their Registrar Tools to remove your parent “relationships” to your kids under your secondary BSA member ID number (or numbers), and then add your parent “relationships” under your primary BSA member ID number, which I think will be the one ending in -500. This will help to prevent future issues.
It’s been a night or two and I’m sitting down now to try again. It looks like the issue persists. I haven’t tried getting counsel to update it yet, but before I call and bother them I wanted to try one last time to see if this can be fixed here on this end. Is there any chance at all that you’d be able to help me to merge these accounts?
@StephenLambert_II I’ve done what I can. Please log all the way out, then log back in again.
Please contact Dan Beard Council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up your children. In the “Relationships” tab / section, they need to remove you as parent under your secondary BSA member ID number(s). Then they need to add you as parent under your primary BSA member ID number, which is the one ending in -500. This will help to prevent future issues.
Thank you, @JenniferOlinger! For the first time in a good while I can now see both kids at the same time. Illinois loop up with the Council Registrar to see about final cleanup bits.
Follow-up question - the pack COR approved my membership in Pack 618 in Dan Beard Council, however I still don’t see myself on the Leadership Roster. Are you able to fix that final bit for me/us?
@StephenLambert_II You have to keep the BSA member ID number ending in -500 set as primary (at my.Scouting) and wait for another overnight process to run.