Activities Log Error

I get this when i try to enter a new event:

Error validating JSON. Error: - Invalid type Null, expected Integer for memberId - Missing required field ‘personGuid’ - Invalid type Null, expected Integer for memberId - Missing required field ‘personGuid’ - Invalid type Null, expected Integer for memberId - Missing required field ‘personGuid’ (org.mule.module.apikit.exception.BadRequestException)


Following. Another Scouter I know has same error

I also get the same error.

Is this being addressed? I got the same error today entering a camping activity. Thanks!

The developers are aware of the JSON error and are looking into it, however, there are no further scheduled system updates in 2020.

Thanks, hope they succeed in January.

So does this mean we cannot enter anymore IA Activities if we receive this error? A week ago I could not edit any of my activities, now I cannot enter them (due now to this error; last week I just couldn’t save any of my changes).

OK. I found the workaround from another error log reported – I was successfully able to create the activity with one person, then go back in and edit and add everyone else. I will now see if I can go back and edit the logs I was having difficulty with last week.

I found if I used MS Edge instead of Chrome that I could log activities. Yet IA 2.0 seems to be broken once again as I have attempted to log activities over the holiday break numerous times and keep getting an error message.