Continuing the discussion from Activities Log Error:
When I attempt to enter a rank or badge into IA, I get the Error Update not allowed. The youth is not a member of the organization in the request.
This only happens to one scout. This has been going on over a year and NO ONE can fix it. Please advise.
Please post the BSA Member ID of the Scout, your council and unit type/number. We do not need the Scout’s name. We will look into it.
BSA Member ID: 134974503
Council: Central Florida
Unit Type/Number: Boy Scout Troop 205
Thank you,
Jennifer Boyd
I see the Scout’s record in both Akela and Scoutbook. I will need to pass this one on to the developers as everything looks correct to me.
I never heard back about my inquiry. I am now getting an error message when I enter Internet Advancement. It seems to be letting me enter rank and badges but continues to just say error.
Thank you,
The developers are working on these access errors. I do not have an estimated time for a fix to be released.
I’m having the same issue, with scouts that crossed over in March of 2020, were included in our recent recharter, and are accessible in scoutbook, but not IA.
Member numbers are 136036118, 132621625 and 132621574
Denver Area Council, Frontier District, Troop 11B