Activity, history, recognition reports missing

I am multiple-registered and noticed that in my new role as a committee member (advancement), I cannot see the following reports in IA for my secondary troop, except for OA Eligibility Report. I have all four report access as an ASM in my primary troop. Any suggestions?
Activity Log Report
Scouts BSA History Report
Troop Recognition Report

Committee and ASM are different roles so different access - if you are Advancement Chair a Key 3 needs to go to > Roster > position Manager > Functional roles and add you as chair there - that will give you more access

Thank you for the reply. I am guessing that once the current Chair fully transitions the duties to me and another member, we will be able to gain access. The outgoing Advancement Chair is using Scoutbook “generate a purchase order” to run reports for CoH, but I prefer IA Recognition Report for summary.
Do you know if two people sharing the Advancement Chair role, whether both CMs can obtain IA Recognition report access, without being a Key 3 delegate?

Scoutbook uses the same Recognition Report. You should be able to access it if they add you as Advancement Chair in Scoutbook and connect you to all Scouts in the unit with Edit Advancement permissions (or higher). Or they can make you a Troop Admin in Scoutbook. They can make you Unit Advancement Chair or a Key 3 Delegate at my.Scouting later.

Thank you @JenniferOlinger and @DonovanMcNeil !