Scouts BSA Recognition Report Not Working

When I run the Scouts BSA Recognition Report, I am getting the following error (before even getting to the criteria selection page). Any ideas?

The information is unavailable. Try again or report this to the forums (100)
ref: PD-20240328123639-770299-573134

@StephanieAnderson1 It looks like your Unit Advancement Chair and Troop Admin roles were ended in Scoutbook.

If you are the troop’s Advancement Chair, you will need another Troop Admin to add you back.

Even better, ask one of the troop’s Key 3 (or a Key 3 Delegate) to grant you the Unit Advancement Chair functional role at my.Scouting. They would go to the Roster at my.Scouting, use the Position Manager, and then click on the Functional Roles tab.

That makes sense. Thank you!

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