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After seeing an announcement of the Activity Logs update in a council communication, I logged into ScoutBook and reviewed it for my sons.
The old ScoutBook module had a “Location” and a “Notes” field for every entry. In items copied over, it looks like the “Notes” field has been lost. Luckily when I run the PDF report (“Download Previous Logs”) it shows up, but in my sons’ cases we kept a lot of “context” information there: what the boys actually did, etc.
It looks like “Location” was copied into all three fields “Service Project Information"→"Name”, “Service Project Location"→"Location”, and "“Service Project Details"→"Description”. Would it be possible to at least get the old “Notes” to show up in the new “Description” for old (pre-import) entries?
I do not see the notes in the camping logs either. We had long detailed journal entries in each one for over 5 years! My son is about to have his eagle board of review and I wanted to print them out for him to have in a scrapbook. How can I find them?
The easiest way would be for a Troop Admin to Export / Backup the legacy logs, and then filter out all of the other Scouts except your son. Does your troop have a Scoutbook Troop Admin?
The path that I am taking… Scoutbook.com
CLick my sons profile
click activiites log
takes me to scoutbook.scouting.org.
I click my son again
i click camping in the activities area at the top right.
i see list of camping entries,.
I click an entry
no note section is there. just basic info as Stephen showed in his first screenshot.
The information he shows in his second screen shot about what they actually did is not there.
WHen I go to reports as he suggested, it only shows the advancement purchase orders…nothing else.
@ChristineBaggette - My recommendation is that you contact one of the Key three in your unit and have them add or make sure you are listed in the functional roles as a UAC and for good measure if they can add you as a key 3 delegate.
I thank you for your help. This is so crazy. I am the one who created, upgraded, subscribes, pays, and maintains the account. And now they make it to where I have limited access.
I have promoted Scoutbook since before BSA owned it. It used to be great. It is getting harder and harder to use. They keep taking away features that are awesome. I have merit badge counselors who cannot access scouts profiles. Our eagle advisor can no longer see scouts advancement records. Just nuts.
I have scouts that show up randomly…that I did not enter. I have scouts that keep getting deleted over and over again. I have scouts that the council sync marks merit badges complete when they are not. I even had the council mark and give a scout his eagle without any entry from me or our troop. They even ordered the certificate because someone in the council office made an error and edited my records. They still have not gotten that cleared up with National.
I no longer sing Scoutbook praises. It is just too frustating. I am highly disappointed.
@ChristineBaggette - I understand the frustration. There are very valid reasons for the change all of which revolve around code and future development and functionality. As nice as scoutbook is and was, it does not allow the multitude of features that users have asked for and change has to happen.
I did provide a path to a solution and as my woodbadge challenge coin says… Its your move… if your key3 can verify your UAC functional role and add you as a key3 delegate you should be ok.