IA isn't showing all scouts in activity report

I just ran an activities report for camping nights, service and conservation service.
14 of 25 scouts aren’t showing up in the report, event though they are listed in the campout(s) and service activities in our logs.

@JenniferVeith - I suggest running an OA eligibility report to see that all scouts have a date joined scouts BSA date

Some do, some don’t.
I don’t have access to change that data.
And everyone showed up on the last report I pulled a couple months ago, regardless of that status.
This is clearly an IA issue, probably from an update.
Just need a SB User Advisory Council member to work their magic.

No you just need to add the dates - there is no way around it

Why are some with the dates also not showing up?
And some without the dates ARE showing up in the report?

Probably something in the membership is messed up - like not approved membership, or the campout is not approved for them

Oooooh. Very interesting.
Completely new and different report.
Nice. I like it.
Thank you!

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