Activity Logs: Can't zero a night of camping

I hope this isn’t way down the priority list, but I expect it is. The reason I am sad about it, is that I just took over for this troop as Advancement Chair and none of the previous years campouts are logged in any way. Not in the girls handbooks, and not in IA. I’m trying to go back and recreate that camping history so that the girls progress towards the Camping MB, as well as towards their 2nd Class/1st Class requirements is properly documented. If the ZERO issue wasn’t existent, I could load the campouts in IA, and then correct the attendance as more facts emerge. But that isn’t the case, so now I just have to maintain paper records until I can be sure I know the accurate truth. That might take a while, just like it might take a while to get this programming issue corrected. I am happy in knowing that you see the problem and agree that it merits fixing, at least I think you do.

I remember testing 0 nights. For example, Cub Scout day camp is fairly common.


I’ve seen 0 nights delete a scout from the event entry. Last year’s summer camp, most of our scouts were in an Adirondack, which was logged as 0 nights. Scouts that did Wilderness Survival or did a hammock night had a 1 input for nights. But saving as 7 days and 0 nights simply removed a name. Maybe that’s been resolved since July 2022.